I sculpted this bust for the 2005 opening of the Burpee Museum’s “Jane” exhibit, which features a mounted skeleton of this rare juvenile tyrannosaur (possibly a Tyrannosaurus rex). For the sculpture, I used a cast of the restored skull model I had previously made as an armature. Careful inspection of the model will reveal chunks of rotting meat lodged between this predator’s teeth. I described my reconstruction process in detail in the book "Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology" :
Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology
Edited by J. Michael Parrish, Ralph E. Molnar, Philip J. Currie, and Eva B. KoppelhusISBN: 978-0-253-00930-2
I contributed a chapter to this book, called "Jane, in the flesh: the state of life-reconstruction in paleoart":